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Real, authentic brick can really add character to a home but it's not always in everyone's budget.That's why I created a cost friendly course teaching you all the ins and outs of creating gorgeous faux brick.
This virtual class includes:
Learn how you can create:
Learn to create a textured faux brick wall!
This class is ideal for:
I will help you with everything you need to know including continued posts from me with specific color combos for brick walls I do in the future.
What are you waiting for?! Let's get our brick on!
I took the ABW faux brick class and I learned so much. I was able to create six walls in different places that had a different look. I would highly recommend watching the tutorials once before jumping in- the layering is fsntastic and chelsea really helps you start with the end in mind!
I took ABW faux brick class and Chelsea was awesome. I’ve done two walls and will do more. Chelsea is always quick to answer any questions and help in any way.
I was so nervous the first time I attempted to do what I had learned in the Faux Brick class, but the fact that the class is always open once you sign up gave me the ability to go back and watch as I was doing to make sure I was on the right track. It was also very helpful that Chelsea is very active in the class that she answers any question that you might have.
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